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Tag: Education

Keeping Children Safe Online In Simple Steps

What unique risks are associated with children online? The Computer and Internet are very important tools for your child’s learning and development but Children present unique challenges when it comes to the use of computers and the internet because of their natural characteristics: innocence, curiosity, desire

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Choosing the right course to study in University

What course should you study in the University? Selecting the right course from the large selection of options available is often a hard decision for many students in Africa. Considering that every course and every university is different, and that students have their individual preferences, here

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How to help your children learn faster

Is there a way to make your children’s learning faster? Raising children in such a pressure-soaked environment like Africa can be stressful. From common tests to major exams, a pupil’s life is all about keeping up, while not buckling under the pressure. So, little surprise parents are eager that their

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Why security around schools is important

Do we need security around our schools? The spate at which schools across the country are exposed to diverse man-made and natural disasters, especially kidnapping, sexual harassment, substance abuse, and sundry violence lends credence to the fact that a lot needs to be done to keep

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Preparing your toddlers for first day at School

Make school a memorable experience for your baby Starting school is a big step for any toddler, but it shouldn’t be scary. With the right approach and some preparation, you can make sure your baby is ready and excited to take on this new challenge. This

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